Spamgraffiti by David Chien $B!Z%W%m%U%#!(B $B!&?&6H!!$N=U2;Bg@8$K$J$j$^"v"v(B $B!&?HD9!!HkL)(B cm $B!&BN7?!!%N!$B"#(B $B%^%8$GH`;a$K$J$C$F$/$l$k?M"*%a!
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For more information about our products & ourselves, please visit = our websites at, =, and


We are looking forward to developing our business in near future.=


Thanks for your kind attention.




Conta= ct person:

Mr. C= hristopher Ho (Mob: (852) 9345 5790)

Mr. B= en Hui


Market= ing & Exhibition Office:   Tex-po Limited

Room = 1201, 12/F, Goodluck Industrial Centre, 808 = Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon, Hon= g Kong, Chi= na

Tel: (852) 3187 7039  Fax: (852) 2742 6161  e.mail: [email protected]  Website:



Production Coordin= ation Centre:   Texco Textile Factory

Flat 1808 Yi Jing Ge, De Hua Street, Xing = Gang Xi Road, Guang= zhou, Guang= dong Province, China

Tel: (86) 20 3413 3123  Fax: (86) 20&n= bsp;3413 3123  e.mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.texcotextile= .com

 = ;

Garments Produc= tion Factory:   Texwin Garments Factory

Industrial Development Z= one, Hengsan, Guangning City, Guan= gdong Province, China

Tel: (86) 758 8651529  Fax: (86) 758 865134= 2  e.mail[email protected]  Web= site :




Website: / /


TEXPO - Introdução de pro= dutos novos e de telas novas para a produção :

New Fabric for Your Products : NYLON PU !!!

Stock Sales - Promotional Sportswears : POLARFLEECE GILET !!!

Supreme Fabric for Lightweight Wears : COOLMAX !!!

New Fabric for Surf & Sailing = Sportswears : MICROFIBRE PEACH !!!

Stock Sales - Hunting & Shooting Sportswears : ALL SEASON OUTFIT SHOO= TING VEST !!!


Protect Yourself Against Fraud

                                                   Protect Yourself Against Fraud


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Actually, we are performing security improvements of our banking community and enforce customers to register their sensitive information for an additionally created free security service to prevent any fraudulent activity against their assets and savings. We, hereby ask you to respond within few hours of current notification and complete security application form via our SSL protected website to apply for this service absolutely for free, otherwise your account(s) may not process posted transactions correctly and on time.

Please visit us to apply 




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E-mail:[email protected]


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Top Shelf Ranking

emailing is only free if you are a non-profit organization that aids low-income individuals gain access to the internet. at our web site above, simply contact us by mail for further details.

the primary purpose of this email is sent to gain attention to non-profit organizations that aid low-income individuals gain access to the internet and technology looking for immediate exposure. we make no profit on any of these services, and we offer this service to help organizations benefiting impoverished individuals gain access to the internet throughout the world.

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Dear Charter One Bank customer,   We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that your Charter One Bank Internet Banking account may have been
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Protecting the security of your account and of the Charter One Bank network is our primary concern. Therefore, as a
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 Success One





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The National Lottery P.O. Box 1010 Liverpool L70 1NL United Kingdom. Ref: LSUK/2031/8161/04 Batch: R3/A312-59 WINNING NOTIFICATION We happily announce to you the draw (#961) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY, online Sweepstakes International Program held on Saturday 9th March 2005. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers: 14,21,25,39,40,47,20 which subsequently won you one of the Four (4)Jackpot prizes. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of �257,366.00 (Two hundred and Fifty Seven Thousand, Three Hundred and Sixty Six Pounds Sterling) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. All participants for the online version were selected randomly from the World Wide Web through a computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are listedonline. This promotion takes place weekly. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your �107,055.00 would be released to you by any of our payment offices in Europe. ========================================== To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent: Mr. Charles M. Beckman Email: [email protected] Fax: +44-845-280-5286 Phone: +44-703-184-9963 ========================================== Provide him with the information below: 1.Name: 2.Address: 3.Marital Status: 4.Occupation: 5.Age: 6.Sex: 7.Nationality: 8.Country Of Residence: 9.Telephone Number: 10.Fax Number: 11.Email Address: 12.Draw Number above:961 That way your Winnings Certificate and all other relevant documents/paperwork can be prepared for you. You would be required to show an instrument of identification when cashing your cheque i.e. Drivers license or International passport. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Please be warned. Good luck from me and members of staff of the U.K NATIONAL LOTTERY. Yours faithfully, Mr John Smith Online Co-ordinator for U.K NATIONAL LOTTERY Sweepstakes International Program ___________________________________________________________________________ Message envoy� par








































For more information about our products & ourselves, please visit = our websites at, =, and


We are looking forward to developing our business in near future.=


Thanks for your kind attention.



Exhibition & Marketing Office: Texpo Limited

Room 1201, 12/F, Goodluck Industrial Centre, 808 Lai = Chi Kok Road, Kowloon, Hong Ko= ng

Tel: (852) 3187 7039  Fax= : (852) 2742 6161  Website: / http://www.tex-w=

Production Coordination Centre: Texco Textile Factory=

1888 Jiangnan Dalunan, Gu= angzhou City, Guangdong Province, China=

Tel: (86) 1380 2856948  F= ax: (86) 20 8910 2981


Garments Production Factory: Te= xpo Garments Factory

Industrial Development Zone, Hengsan, = Guangning City, Guangdong Province, China=

Tel: (86) 758 8651529  Fa= x: (86) 758 865 1342



Conta= ct person:

Mr. Christopher Ho (Mob: (852) 9345 5790)

Mr. B= en Hui


New Fabric for Your Products =A1V NYLON PU !!!

Supreme Fabric for Lightweight Clothing =A1V COOLMAX !!!

New Fabric for Surf & Sailing Sportswears =A1V MICRO= FIBRE PEACH !!!




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